Roller-skiing across Norway.

Applique is a fully responsive Fashion blog theme that designed with style publishers in mind! We keep things simple and elegant to make sure any fashion blogger—even those without IT background, can use it. We believe that a blog theme, should feel fluid, light, and intuitive. That’s what we are aiming to make with applique, using clean code and detailed designs in each our custom features maintaining balance between design and technology. We present to you Applique our most elegant theme yet. 5 Ways Applique will help you grow your fashion blog: 1. Add beauty right off the bat Add beauty right off the bat! Applique is easy to install and customize. Yup, you will just need 5 minutes for the installation and Applique’s customization via WordPress Live Customizer. By using WordPress Customizer manage all aspects of your site using a live previewer, so you can see exactly how that logo, … Continue Reading